Ezdrummer pro tools
Ezdrummer pro tools

I like that kind of like that a lot of ways that for now kind of nice to have a big round punch kick drum tam marine sounds brilliant if we go into the mixer weii can hear their something's going on we've got some reverb I'm actually gonna bring the compression back a little bit and bring the river about a little bit because that kind of that a little bit more roomy I'm gonna pull the indians back, bring the money kind of that echo from the reverb it's kinda nice it gives it a swing and it works nicely with the guitar like I think ok, so let's rewind listen, you know, it could be cool. That organic songwriter flow we keep talking about where we feel that even though we're in a dog and we're kind of in the minds of like we've got to get results, it still doesn't seem like there's a lot of pressure it seems like a very natural flowing thing let me just I want oh, really kind of get up a good kind of trashy drums that sound here what's up. You should grab a guitar and play the first thing that comes to mind, grab and set some sounds and just start writing, and this is that. You record the drums as they are, and then you would be doing all of this to affect them after I mean, in real time, you're auditioning sort of this mindset that you want to be in for this group and we've again, we've based a lot of we I'm based a lot of my decision making process on the original guitar tone are selected, so the idea is he recorded really direct and I'm just I have a guitar tone in place once I changed that guitar tone, the drum sound may totally need to change or want to change, and I'm not limited it's up, okay, I'm here, I'm still in the program, I could change things that can add things it's a beautiful time to be a musician and a songwriter in this day and age in again, I'm hoping that as we do this it's really capturing just kind of how organic the processes this is literally something that if you have easy drummer, too, and your dog choice as soon as you're done watching this broadcast, you should try this. This is gonna work that process alone off trying out a different drum sound in the studio is impossible. I mean, to be able to go in and have these different tones and textures and instantly tell this isn't gonna work. You already know it's gonna work, folks it's called dirty rock. But it's not cool enough because the drums to me or a little biting simple enough let's. Eso we've got this present, and I kind of like the way this one sounds let's. Yeah, so I want to actually go in and use the vintage kit that comes with the drummer, too, and I want to use let's. And I believe I just have this stock hit that we're using at the moment. It sounds like they were recorded to get like it was done purposely but it's clearly just the mindset of a really great drummer playing and knowing that is going to going to study oh those were the moments where you think yourself this is really really cool so what you have is some inspiration now the next step for me would be to go in and sort of changed the drum sounds, which I want to do right now because I'm not really inspired by the the actual kit were using. We were talking about just kind of what we're doing with our track and I think it's really interesting because again when I look at how far along we already are and this really simple basically structure demo process to as far along as you may have been able to take this with this technology or two years ago it's amazing how quickly we inefficiently we can work with great sound and like we talked about in the first session great sound is inspiring so let's again we'll take it back what's a snore song we're out with our basic rules your basic verse course kind of thing it's your listening face now something interesting happened and I know if you caught it the way the groove was structured and design that actual course group we have there are some embellishments that the drummer plays in the groove that and again I don't like to use this word a lot but that magically seemed the lineup and accentuate what's happening in the last couple of measures of the course of just listen again to how. Demo: Building a Basic Groove with Guitar Part 2

Ezdrummer pro tools